Saturday, May 14, 2011

Glenn Beck is a moron!

As a general rule, I don't care to what politics one adheres.  I have my own opinions, they belong solely to me.  Some of my opinions are dead on, and some are wrong. 

Glenn Beck, however, is as crass and moronic an individual as I have seen.  In one of his recent radio shows, he makes some chauvinistic remarks about Mehan McCain in regards to her recent PSA concerning skin cancer.  I am amazed that someone with the responsibility to inform the public would behave so.  He alludes to her weight problem and made retching sounds to display his disgust.

I've seen Megan McCain's photos.  While, I have never met her in person, I can state that she has no weight problem.  She appears to be a very attractive person who doesn't fit the anorexic mold of many models.  Good for her.  Personally I applaud her self confidence to stand naked in front of a camera and show the world who she is. 

I have a daughter who is in her preteen years.  I know that the world is cruel to girls for their image.  I dread the way she will feel as she tries to fit into that mold.  I pray that role models like Megan McCain continue to defy the Glenn Beck society.

As to Glenn Beck, I think the majority of the public sees you for your small mindedness and your petty actions.  Thankfully you will be relegated to radio from now on.

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