Friday, July 13, 2012

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life...

Recently I received a profound realization:  I am happy.  I am truly content, and I love my life. 

I'm not rich or well off.  I work 40 plus hours a week for my paycheck, and then I spend my spare time working on my dream, writing.  I do get stressed on occasion, and I even get upset, sad, angry, or frustrated at times.  But I still revert back to happy. 

Happiness is a decision we make.  Sometimes all we need is to start pretending to be happy.  Do things that are selfless and make you feel good.

1I always stop at a lemonade stand.  I try to stop at every lemonade stand I see.  Kids who set their little tables up in the summer heat and sit out there for hours dreaming of all the money they are going to make should be encouraged.  They are dreamers.  They believe that by the end of the day they are going to be so rich.  Dreams should always be encouraged.  Dreams should never be squelched.  Dreams can come true, and dreamers are happy.

2.  I always stay through the credits.  I have two reasons for this.  First, I was burned on Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  There are too many great vignettes at the end of a movies credits for the die hard movie goers.  If you didn't stay through the end of The Avengers, then you are probably kicking yourself now.  Secondly, we all like to be recognized.  Whoever was the Lead Best Boy is a nobody to most people, but for that movie he got some recognition.  I like to read through the names so that someone can be recognized for their work.  Granted my wife and I often make of those names.

3.  I like to go outside.  Inside is great.  I enjoy the air conditioning, television, and indoor plumbing.  But outside is reinvigorating.  Scientists will say that the sun provides a sufficient amount of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is essential in healthy living.  It actually helps fight depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.  Additionally, the world outside is amazing.  I love to sit outside and write in the early morning as the birds are out.  It makes me feel good.

4.  I like to eat well.  Fat kid likes to eat.  I enjoy food, and while I occasionally eat crap or fast food, I try to eat good food at home.  My wife and I both are good cooks, and what we make at home is far superior to most chain restaurants.  Healthy food will make you feel better.  Eat some fruits and veggies every now and then.  If you don't like them prepared one way, then get on Pinterest and find a new way to cook them.  There are plenty of new ideas for zucchini and squash.

5.  I like to sing along to 80's music.  My wife cannot stand going to the supermarket with me.  Inevitably there will be a great tune on the overhead music.  She has threatend to divorce me if I break into "Karma Chameleon" or "The Piano Man" in the produce aisle again.  She doesn't mean it.  She actually enjoys the fact that I am happy and secure enough to fake the lyrics to a Great White song I don't really remember.  But try to belt out "Sweet Caroline" without feeling good.  It's not possible.

6.  I like to play.  I love to play.  I play with my kids.  I play with my dogs.  I play with my wife.  Give me some Legos or some action figures, and I can let loose with my imagination.  My kids have always known that I'm the go to guy for fun.  Never get too old to play.

7.  I don't care what you think.  When my kids were younger, I would coach their soccer, basketball, or baseball teams.  I was lucky to have another father who thought like me.  We wanted the kids to have fun.  Winning didn't matter.  Memories did.  When the soccer game hit half time.  He and I, along with two other dads, took to the field to do cartwheels, cheers, and even an occassional lopsided pyramid.  We didn't always win the games, but our kids laughed and cheered us on.  The other teams loved to play us because we entertained them.  Memories are rarely created when we worry about what fools we look like.

Take my advice or don't.  It doesn't matter to me.  But life is a lot easier if you go out and decide to be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, Douglas. This is such a wonderful and timely post. Happiness is absolutely a choice. Let us all go and do likewise--Thank you!!!
