Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Twittering About

 When I first started on Twitter, I was pretty sure I was hating it.  I couldn't for the life of me figure how one could make any connections.  What can you possible say in 140 characters? 

Now I've become extremely adept at saying numerous things in only 140 characters.  I've made great connections, and I have seen steady sales of my title.  I've developed a following of nearly 1500, which isn't a lot compared to Ashton Kutcher or Amanda Hocking, but for my second month being immersed in the Twitterverse, I think it's fairly impressive.

I found that the key to success in these connections that I wasn't sure how to make two months ago.  Now, I'm trying to connect daily to new and old connections.  The trick is to dive in.  Retweet what others think is important.  Mention others in tweets.  Make comments that are meant to leave the reader with a smirk at least.  Reach out and reply to comments that may not be directly related to networking connections. 

Actually converse with people.  Twitter is great for conversing across the globe.  There are times when I'm tweeting with people in New York, Canada, London, Australia, and Texas at the same time. 

Obviously for me promoting my book is the main reason I got on Twitter.  However, as Will Rogers said, "Get someone else to blow your horn and the sound will carry twice as far."  Start by pushing other people and their promotion of choice.  Retweet other tweets promoting things for other people.  Very soon, your own promotional tweets will begin to be retweeted, and your promotions will begin to be mentioned.

Once the train starts rolling, continue to retweet and mention others while promoting your goods and carrying on real conversations with new friends and old.

I expect to bump 2000 followers soon doing this.  Then 3000.  Then 5000.  Twitter seems limitless.