Thursday, January 6, 2011

I love to write

When I was in fifth grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer.  I had a friend whose grandmother had made him a stuffed frog that he named Frisky.  My first venue into writing was making up stories with him about the adventures of Frisky the Frog.  Unfortunately they leaned extremely on the shoulders of Superman, Indiana Jones, and a few other characters ripe to be ripped off.  My friend did not care quite as much as I did, so the majority of the book was written by me.   I even made a cover that I wish I could find as a memento.  I am sad to say that art was not my strong suit. 

In Junior High I would read constantly.  Anything.  Everything.  I would read it.  That, much to my delight, has not really stopped. 

High School rolled around, and I began to see girls in a very different light.  This sudden enlightenment opened up the poetic side of me.  "The poetic side of me" was really my writing bad poetry at the utmost of mediocrity.  Of course, the poems would be for the love of my life that week.  Girls were often very appreciative and let me kiss them. 

My passion erupted during my senior year when I completed my first short story.  That was quite an accomplishment.  My entire life, my mind has been filled with bizarre and exciting stories that played out continuosly in my mind's eye.  Then one day I was struck with an unusual inspiration, and I wrote my first short story, A Girl Named Destiny, about a teenage boy who is forced to say goodbye to his dying girlfriend. I was extremely proud of that work.  I still am.  That story was an array of emotions that I had felt and some that I had been lucky not too.

After Destiny, I broke out into numerous short stories.  Some I enjoyed.  Some were terrible.  Probably all were terrible, but I enjoyed some still. 

Writing has always been my passion.  I have found that life has overtaken my passion, but still my stories flow about my head.  They wait for me to put them to paper.  Now, I am taking a new move to begin writing again daily.  Putting my thoughts to paper (or screen) is an incredible release.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Getting started

I am very excited to start this blog.  I have always loved writing, and I am excited to share my thoughts.  I am new so bare with me while I get my feet wet.